С нашия подход, фокусиран върху мобилните устройства, можете да достигнете до вашата аудитория на всички устройства чрез едно просто решение.
Нашите нативни мобилни приложения са създадени за оптимална производителност и висока оперативна ефективност.
Клиентите винаги пазаруват, а вашият магазин е винаги отворен. Нашият опит в индустрията ни позволява да създаваме мобилно-ориентирани, светкавично бързи и лесни за използване онлайн магазини.
Ние ви помагаме да се фокусирате върху разширяването на вашия бизнес, докато намалявате разходите и избягвате проблемите с обновления и поддръжка на софтуера.
Въпросите имат нужда от отговори. По-долу можете да намерите някои от често задаваните въпроси, но ако желаете да научите повече или да обсъдим Вашите нужди, можете винаги да се свържете с нас! Ние ще се радваме да Ви помогнем.
Ние обичаме иновациите! Ние от LabForty разбираме ключовата роля, която софтуерът играе във всеки бизнес. Като използваме най-добрите практики и се фокусираме върху най-съвременните тенденции в света на технологиите, ние доставяме постоянно иновативни решения, отговарящи на най-високите стандарти за скорост, надеждност и качество на потребителското изживяване.
В зависимост от размера и степента на сложност на Вашия проект, може да имате един или повече ръководители на вашия клиентски акаунт в допълнение към едно единствено лице за контакт в LabForty. Ние сме екип, така че и Вие ще имате на разположение членовете на нашите екипи, отговарящи за дизайна, разработката и управлението, които ще съдействат, когато това е необходимо.
We currently have legal, retail, furniture, financial, and real estate clients. Reach out and discover the LabForty solution that will best fit your industry needs.
A successful modern software project inevitably depends on its underlying technology. Our development process starts with analyzing the needs of your projects and choosing the right platform and technology to make sure it’s easy to maintain and scale.
Администрирането на фондове е основен компонент за мандата на пасивни борсово търгувани фондове (ETF), тракери и ливъридж фондове, чиито дейности са обект на мониторинг от финансовите власти и участниците на пазара. Ние предлагаме прецизни, персонализирани софтуерни решения, които помагат за администрирането на фондове, ребалансиране в края и в рамките на деня, проследяване на фондове и отчетност.
Автоматизираното търгуване на активи е решение за търговия, базирано на алгоритми, което позволява да се сключват сделки при предварително зададени параметри.
Single source of truth is ideal, but sometimes external services fail or do not provide sufficient data. The software can collect various information from various sources and rely on multiple providers hierarchically to avoid situation in which the software cannot take actions, such as tracking the funds and live NAV calculation for reporting and contribution.
Since fully automated fund management is not always optimal, several built in checks and levels can be added to alert the operator of potential risks. This allows the operator to switch to a manual control of the process or control the basic rules under which automated trading operates in order to fine tune the process. Including but not limited to: limits on number of trades, per trade sizes, total trade size for the day, intra-day levels, alerts for intra-day, alerts for source dis-connection.
Yes, we can! LabForty provides ongoing support and maintenance services, enabling organizations to carry on their business with peace of mind. We help your business focus on expanding while reducing your expenses and avoiding dealing with software upgrades and maintenance issues in-house. Our Priority Service guarantees every request for service will receive a response within two hours.
Often referred to as “bug” maintenance, corrective maintenance corrects user reported errors in source code. This is the most urgent type of software maintenance. Whether it’s resolving an issue, hardening security, getting applications to work with other elements of a technology stack, or regulatory compliance, LabForty support services are available.
Preventative maintenance is the practice of taking measures to ensure software continues running as it should. While analyzing does include reviewing the code or function, it also involves determining other possible causes such as out-of-date subscriptions and malware. Once your support team understands all potential impacts, we assess your systems to identify the root cause.
Focused on iteration, perfective maintenance is defined as engineering after delivery in order to elevate the functionality and/or performance of software. Spurred by user feedback, perfective maintenance accounts for the implementation of new features based on user submissions.
Provide us with the initial project idea you’d like to be built. Let us know any resources such as text, images, videos, main colors, and theme. We will contact you shortly to discuss everything from the ideas to colors to time range for your site to be built and price.
It depends on the complexity of your site and solutions provided. Websites range from pre-built and modified to fully customized, and the time increases, respectively. Typically, a simple website will take around two weeks to go from conception to launch. Complex solutions can vary by a lot. Feel free to ask about your idea for a custom site and we can schedule a call.
Communications can range from e-mail only to weekly calls discussing our progress. It depends on the complexity of the site and our need to resolve issues fast. In order to achieve fast results, we can even contact you through instant messaging apps to make sure we meet expected deadlines.
Yep. And we’re really, really good at that. All of our projects include SEO.
Responsive designs allow consistency across all screen sizes, enforce brand recognition, and ensure optimal customer experience.
Before your website is visible to others, it needs to be uploaded to a server, which serves the files making up the website. We can handle this for you, or you can choose your own server to host your site.
Domain name registration is the act of reserving a name on the internet for a specified period of time. It is important to know that this domain will remain yours for as long as you renew it. There is no other way to purchase a domain name.
Progressive web apps allow websites to function more like native mobile apps, with some native mobile app functionality. Users can install a progressive web app to their home screen and launch it just like a native app. A progressive web application (PWA) is a type of application software delivered through the web, built using common web technologies. It is intended to work on any platform that uses a browser, including both desktop and mobile devices. PWA features narrow the gap between user experience in web-based and native applications.
We offer many services and solutions that will fit your needs! From custom sites for complex mobile and fintech apps to apps that are unsupervised (automatically working for a specific goal.) Our team is composed of designers (helping immerse the user in the app) to QA (providing end-to-end analysis on ease of use) to front-end developers (who bring the app to life with animations and smooth the user experience) to back-end developers (who make complex tasks seamless and simple for the user).